02 March 2021

Prevention of degenerative hip joints

Osteoarthritis causes pain and changes the structure of the joint, gradually leading to disability, affecting the quality of life, which is a burden to the family and society. Osteoarthritis of the hip, if diagnosed and treated early, can delay the development of the disease, reduce pain symptoms, help the patient move, and return to daily life.


Causes of degenerative hip joints are very diverse, of which primary degeneration accounts for the highest percentage (about 50%), mainly in the elderly. Secondary osteoarthritis includes: a history of inflammation of the hip joint (rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, tuberculosis …), due to hip injury, femoral neck fracture, dislocated hip (due to work, exercise, sports, the elderly, old and weak up stairs …), aseptic necrosis of femoral head is treated indefinitely, the later, the older the older easily lead to degeneration of the hip joints. Some cases of osteoarthritis are caused by abnormal structures in the hip or lower extremities (congenital). In addition, osteoarthritis is caused by complications of other diseases (diabetes, gout …), joint disease due to hemophilia, hemoglobin disease …

Các loại thực phẩm nhiều canxi (sữa, tôm, cua ốc, dầu cá) tốt cho xương khớp.

Calcium-rich foods (milk, shrimp, shellfish, fish oil) are good for bones and joints.

Clinical symptoms

Osteoarthritis causes pain and is mechanical in nature, pain often occurs when walking, gradually increasing pain even at rest and at night. The most common painful location is the front of the thigh, groin folds, spreading down the anterior side of the thigh, sometimes down to the knee joint, behind the buttock or the femoral shift.

In addition, people with osteoarthritis often have limited mobility. Decreasing the amplitude of hip movement is increasing and affecting daily activities such as squatting, tying shoelaces, going to the toilet …

The groin folding is usually good, while hip flexion, shape, and especially swing are affected very early.

Bad consequences

Osteoarthritis of the hip, if diagnosed and treated early, can delay the development of the disease, reduce pain symptoms, help the patient move, and return to a normal life. If detected and treated late, it will have many disadvantages for the patient. Without treatment, frequent pain, pain, stiffness of the hip joints will increase even when inactive, until the patient is unable to walk due to a deformed crown, the bone spikes filling the joint. loss of movement in the joint. In addition, the patient may lose the ability to rotate, bend or groin, and the lateral muscles of the degenerative hip joint become completely atrophy.

To diagnose degenerative hip joints, in addition to clinical symptoms, it is necessary to have an X-ray, computed tomography (CT) scan, and if possible, a resonance scan (MRI) should be taken.

Thoái hóa khớp háng gây đau và làm biến đổi cấu trúc của khớp.

Osteoarthritis causes pain and changes the structure of the joint.

About treatment

Osteoarthritis is a slow progressing disease that is common in the elderly. Therefore, many cases do not know or can not afford to see a doctor. As a result, the disease was on an increase and with bad consequences. If pain in the groin spreads down the thighs and is difficult to move, seek medical attention. Early detection and treatment will significantly reduce pain and the risk of disability. The principle of treatment is rest (travel restriction, if obesity needs to lose weight with a reasonable diet, exercise methodically), need to practice therapy according to the guidance of a professional. Need to use pain relievers and cartilage regeneration drugs according to the prescription of the doctor.

Surgical treatment when the condition worsens, medical treatment is no longer effective and doctors consult and prescribe surgery. There are many surgical methods of surgical treatment for the hip joints, the doctor will provide specific advice for the patient to choose, in which the hip replacement is the most popular surgery, helping the patient quickly recover from the pain, and soon return to the surgery. live almost normal activities.

How should the room be?

If you have an inflammatory disease, injury or congenital hip joint disease, you should actively treat it as soon as possible so that when you age, to limit degeneration of the joint.

For people with osteoarthritis, you can prevent and limit the pain caused by osteoarthritis by doing very gentle daily exercise, not walking.

In addition, it is necessary to have a reasonable and qualified diet, especially eating and drinking calcium-rich foods (milk, shrimp, crab and fish oil). Need to have good sleep and should create mental comfort. Need to treat diseases that are at risk of affecting degenerative hip joints (gout).

(Source: suckhoedoisong)