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20 April 2021

Skin ulcers in the elderly

Skin ulcer disease in the elderly (NCT) is very common because the resistance of the elderly is greatly reduced compared…

07 April 2021

Treatment of itching in the elderly

In the summer, due to the hot weather, many elderly people often experience itchiness and discomfort. So when the elderly…

01 April 2021

Psychological manifestations are common in the elderly

Aging in the elderly is mainly related to the functional decline of the organs in the body, which is the…

28 March 2021

What is type 1 2 diabetes?

 Type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes are two types of diabetes. Although they are both diabetes, the causes and…

25 March 2021

Notes on the care of the elderly at home

Take care of the elderly requires patience and love. When it comes to late afternoon, mental and physical changes of the…

20 March 2021

Malnutrition in the elderly: Things to know

Malnutrition is a condition in which a person is either deficient in nutrients, such as protein, vitamins and minerals, or…

02 March 2021

Prevention of degenerative hip joints

Osteoarthritis causes pain and changes the structure of the joint, gradually leading to disability, affecting the quality of life, which…

22 February 2021

Why do the elderly suffer from digestive disorders?

Along with other diseases, digestive disorders are a condition that occurs at all ages and causes problems for patients. This…